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Ethical conduct

 General Information

  In this day of disappearing moral absolutes, it is imperative that all Christians be reminded that the Bible, as the revelation of God’s truth, must determine not only one’s doctrinal beliefs, but also one’s lifestyle. In a changing world, the Christian has an unchanging standard, the Word of God.

  The SSCS “Ethical Conduct” are based upon the teachings and principles of Scripture, seeking to develop personal holiness and discipline exemplified in a lifestyle glorifying to God. SSCS offers educational excellence with a distinctive purpose: included in that purpose is a student’s total growth.

  We are interested in imparting spiritual knowledge and teaching biblical values, both of which promote the tradition of conservative, evangelical, and fundamental local churches. We are also dedicated to nurturing an exemplary lifestyle for our students.

  The SSCS Board of Directors, administration, and faculty have committed to Sola Scriptura College and Seminary the highest standards of Christian conduct required to fulfill our stated mission. The following “Ethical Conduct” are intended to guide students who matriculate at SSCS.

  All SSCS students are required to adhere to the “Ethical Conduct” and to indicate so on the application for admission

Standards of conduct

  1. It is required that students preparing for Christian ministry and admitted into this institution will conduct themselves in a manner deemed by the institution

  2. We are educational institutions committed to a high standard of academic integrity. As such, any student who submits work as part of the requirements for a course thereby asserts that the student personally has done that work and that it has not been submitted for credit in any other course without permission. Unless credit is explicitly given to sources, the student is asserting that the words and/or the thoughts are the student’s own original work. Falling short of these standards is academic dishonesty.

  3. The institution may take disciplinary action should any ethical standard of an academic and/or personal nature be violated. In the case of academic dishonesty (see item 2 above) breaches of this standard will result in the failure of the assignment along with further possible disciplinary measures as outlined below. All cases of plagiarism will be reported to the Academic Dean and will be kept on file. The institution recognizes a professor’s authority to undertake disciplinary actions concerning any of his students in the context of his classroom. Generally, violations of the institution’s ethical conduct policy include, but are not limited to:

  a) Academic dishonesty, including cheating, submitting without approval work originally prepared by the student for another course, and plagiarism, which is essentially submitting as one’s own work material prepared in whole or in part by another person while failing to give proper credit on papers for sources used.

  b) Use or possession of beverage alcohol or drugs;

  c) The use of tobacco products;

  d) Engaging in a lifestyle contrary to Biblical standards including, but not limited to, heterosexual misconduct, homosexual or bisexual behavior, transgenderism or any other form of sexual misconduct

  e) Giving false or incomplete statements to the institution orally or in writing including, but not limited to, one’s application for admission or registration, or the altering of records;

  f) Financial irresponsibility

  g) Fighting; abusive or vulgar language

  h) Theft of institutional or personal property;

  i) Violation of the institution’s academic regulations and policies;

  j) Neglect, disregard, or breach of established institutional policies that govern the use of any property or facility.

  k) Behavior, verbal, physical, or emotional, which is demeaning, harassing, or abusive of another person; and behavior that is profane or vulgar.

  l) Disrespect or abuse directed toward any faculty member, school administrator, or staff person

  m) Students and their families are expected to dress in modest attire. The institution’s position is that immodest clothing damages one’s Christian testimony, so clothes such as short skirts, shorts, and tank tops are not appropriate. Hats, caps, and shorts are not allowed in class. Ear jewelry is prohibited for men and other body piercings are prohibited for both males and females

  n) Any student in the process of marital separation or divorce must notify the Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor and may be required to cease studies to give full attention to the protection and restoration of the family

  4. Students involved in a criminal or civil infraction are accountable to civil authorities but may also be subject to discipline by the institution

  5. It is the intent of student discipline, in keeping with Galatians 6:1-2, to exercise genuine Christian concern in dealings with students and create occasions for learning, personal growth, and professional development. The welfare of the student, of the seminary community, and of the churches is the primary concern

  6. In the attempt to make this a truly responsible and redemptive community, it is expected that students, faculty, administration, and staff will jointly accept the responsibility of reporting such actions as may be unacceptable, unethical, or detrimental to a Christian academic community or to the ministries that they serve. All apparent violations of the ethical conduct policies are to be reported to the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor for timely investigation and such action as may be necessary.


  1. Most disciplinary action will be handled by the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor or a school official that they appoint.

  2. Upon the discretion of the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor, an Ethical Conduct Committee may be assembled. The Ethical Conduct Committee will be comprised of the Chancellor as chairman; the academic dean or a faculty representative of the school in which the student is registered; the Registrar or administrative representative.

  3. The Chancellor, Vice Chancellor or an appointed school official will then decide whether or not the student has been in violation of regulations or standards of ethical conduct; or whether or not the student has conducted himself/herself in any way contrary to the standards and references set forth by the institution

  4. The Chancellor or Vice Chancellor or an appointed school official will notify the student of the decision

  5. The Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Chancellor and the President of the institution have full authority to handle disciplinary matters, as they deem necessary.

  6. If the student is unsatisfied with the decision, he has the right to make an appeal to the Board of Directors, in a period of maximum 30 days.

  Ethical Conduct Disciplinary Action

  Disciplinary actions include, but are not limited to:

  1. Reprimand and disciplinary probation;

  2. Reprimand, disciplinary probation, and loss of credit in course or courses where dishonest work was done;

  3. Temporary suspension with time and terms of re-admission indicated;

  4. Indefinite suspension with time and terms of re-admission not indicated;

  5. Permanent dismissal;

  6. Any of the above may be noted on the student’s transcript and may be removed at the discretion of the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor or the President of the institution