Motivated by a higher calling and seeking collaboration with various Evangelical churches in the metropolitan area, a group of dedicated individuals founded Ekklesia Bible College Chicago Campus in 2002, thus offering the opportunity to deepen and strengthen the study of Scriptures for all born-again brothers and sisters who have expressed their confession of faith through baptism and who were active members of a local church.
Since 2002 Ekklesia Bible College was graciously blessed by God through a distinguished teaching body comprised of twenty-five notable professors: John Tipei Ph.D., Constantineanu Cornelius Ph.D., Florin T. Cîmpean Ph.D. degree in progress, John Berzava Ph.D., Daria Ardelean M.of Arts., Predescu Coralia B. of Theology, Florentin Tișe M. of Music., Iulian Costea M. Counseling, Gabi Costea M.Div., Lazar Gog Ph.D, Dorin Druhora M. Div., Cristian Ionescu, Petru Lascău M. of Theology., Luigi Miţoi B. of Theology, Cameron Wilson B. of Theology, Crinişor Ștefan Ph. D., Simi Timbuc M.Div., Alexandru Trombiţaş B. of Theology, Aurel Bălici, Larry Murg M.Math, Lucian Predescu B. of Theology, Marcel Macelaru Ph.D, Dr. Iosif Țon, Emil Bartoș Ph.D., John Szasz Ph.D. degree in progress.
All educators present the highest academic training level in their field of study and are graduates of prestigious academic institutions, such as Oxford University, Cambridge University, Vanderbilt University, Princeton Theological Seminary, Fuller Theological Seminary, and others. May the Lord richly reward them for their contribution to the spiritual edification of the Ekklesia students, and may the Most High bless them further in the work to which they have been called.
The College opened its doors in 2002 assuming the name of Ekklesia Bible College, and in 2011 the institutions was chartered as a Not-For-Profit Corporation, authorized by the Illinois Secretary of State. On February 11, 2014, the institution went through a name change process, assuming the official name of Sola Scriptura College and Seminary, obtaining the not-for-profit corporation, authorized by the State of Illinois.