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The Secret To The Faculty of Theology

Academic Dean / Faculty of Theology (S.S.C.S.)

Crinisor Stefan, Ph.D.

There is no greater honor for a child of God than to study His Word. Studying the Word is vital for every true Christian. The Bible is a unique book that keeps fascinating its sincere students. No matter how many times we read it, we always find treasures of information about our Lord Jesus and about the way we should live our lives. 


Yet, in order to find these treasures we need to study the Bible in its geographical, cultural, and historical context, and then draw the principles that apply to our lives. The purpose of the SSCS is to help those who have a desire to study and apply the Word of God to their lives.


I gladly invite you to join those who have already been captivated by the depth and beauty of God’s Word, and become students not of a theological school, but of the Greatest Book ever written: the Bible! The professors of this institution are people of God who have not only the proper academic training to teach, but they also have a passion and love for the Lord and for the students. Come to Sola Scriptura College and Seminary, study the Scriptures, and you will better know and experience its Author!

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